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No End in Sight Full Movie Free Streaming Online

Movie Title : No End in Sight
Release Date : Jul 27, 2007 Wide
Genre Movie :Documentary,Special Interest
Mpaa Rating : Unrated

Actors :Campbell Scott,Richard Armitage,James Fallows,Samantha Power,Barbara Bodine,Chris Allbritton,Col. Lawrence Wilkerson,Colonel Paul Hughes,Walter Slocombe,Seth Moulton,David Yancey,Gen. Jay Garner,George Packer,Gerald Burke,Hugo Gonzalez,Linda Bilmes,Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton,Marc Gerlasco,Matt Sherman,Nir Rosen

On March 19, 2003, forces from the United States and a handful of allied nations invaded Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein from power. American military leaders expected the conflict to last no more than a few months, and President George W. Bush declared that major military operations were over less than two months later. However, Iraq soon became a dangerous quagmire for American forces, and near the end of 2006, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, one of the key architects of America's strategy in Iraq, resigned from office due to public outcry and Bush declared he was "rethinking" his plan of attack in Iraq as the nation sank into civil war, with U.S. troops the frequent targets of attacks on both sides. How and why did America's leaders decide to invade Iraq? How did they formulate a strategy that went so far wrong? And can anything be done to salvage the situation? Filmmaker Charles Ferguson, a former advisor with the Brookings Institution, examines these questions in No End in Sight, a documentary on the War in Iraq which includes interviews with a number of figures involved in the conflict's decision-making process, some speaking on-camera about the war for the first time. No End in Sight was screened in competition at the 2007 Sundance Film Festival. ~ Mark Deming, Rovi
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User Ranting Movie No End in Sight : 4.3
User Percentage For No End in Sight : 92 %
User Count Like for No End in Sight : 7,779

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New Review For Movie No End in Sight

A tidy summary of the tragic mistakes made, and the brutal arrogance displayed, by the Bush administration in its prosecution of the Iraq war.
-Globe and Mail

This is a movie about the very officials who boasted 'I don't do quagmires' (then-defense secretary Rumsfeld), but who hadn't actually done the planning or simple reading of other people's plans that might have avoided that very fate.
Roger Moore-Orlando Sentinel

A clear-eyed appraisal and condemnation of Bush administration war policies as seen through the eyes of people in a position to note the disastrous choices that left a country in chaos.
Connie Ogle-Miami Herald

No End in Sight makes one thing clear: Were it not so bloody, the war in Iraq would be destined to become a case study in the nation's business schools.
Lisa Kennedy-Denver Post

Even dedicated news junkies will gain new understanding of a campaign with no end in sight.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune

There's no shortage of opinion, but what Ferguson is aiming for in this fascinating 102-minute dissection is a professional critique of foreign policy.
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express

A persuasive argument that the inception of, and response to, the Iraq War perverted America's ideals and intellect. Its moderate temperament hides obvious roars: Remembering outrage is all that will keep this from again occurring unopposed.
Nick Rogers-Suite101.com

A thorough, level-headed examination of the Bush administration's failure to properly prepare for, and execute, the war.
Nick Schager-Lessons of Darkness

It doesn't matter if you're a news junkie or clueless about current events, you need to see this movie.
Geoff Berkshire-Metromix.com

No End is Sight is the product of a calmly systematic desire for knowledge, and as such, does not offer solutions, only profound insight.
Beverly Berning-culturevulture.net

By the time No End in Sight gets to a late chapter titled "Things Fall Apart," you'll believe that call could have been made a long time ago.
Tricia Olszewski-Washington City Paper

a horror show guaranteed to make you mad
John A. Nesbit-Old School Reviews

Well-constructed and well-researched documentary which methodically lays out the groundwork for what went wrong in Iraq.
Robert Roten-Laramie Movie Scope

Watching the film, which is well-organized but utterly artless, one wonders who, exactly, it's trying to sway.
Jeremy Heilman-MovieMartyr.com

Charles Ferguson's film may be the best, and the final word on the subject.
Jeffrey M. Anderson-Combustible Celluloid

For anyone who's wondering why we're still stuck in Iraq, give this quick 100-minuter a whirl and get filled in.
Jeffrey Chen-Window to the Movies

Bleak, dry and marginally repetitive, "Sight" fails to answer with clarity why bad decisions were made.
Sean O'Connell-Charlotte Weekly

The most important film of the year thus far and, more significantly, the most comprehensive, clear-eyed account of the Iraq debacle and the arrogance behind it that we have.
Rick Kisonak-Film Threat

You really should see this movie, even though it will make you sick.
Liz Braun-Jam! Movies

It's a film that only begins to take baby steps in telling what went wrong and how insane it is to stick with such a bad war policy.
Dennis Schwartz-Ozus' World Movie Reviews

...a movie that will make you angry or sad. It provides no escape or transport from, but rather deeper engagement with, the regrettably real world.
Philip Martin-Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Ferguson consults not the administration's political opponents, but the very experts that the U.S. government selected and sent into the Baghdad fray ...
Jeffrey Overstreet-Looking Closer

The movie's larger points are sobering and relevant, no matter how many times they've already been made.
Josh Bell-Las Vegas Weekly

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No No No
Movie Overview For No End in Sight
Chronological look at the fiasco in Iraq, especially decisions made in the spring of 2003 - and the backgrounds of those making decisions - immediately following the overthrow of Saddam: no occupation plan, an inadequate team to run the country, insufficient troops to keep order, and three edicts from the White House announced by Bremmer when he took over.


TagLine No End in Sight The American Occupation of Iraq. The Inside Story From the Ultimate Insiders.

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