Release Date : Jun 18, 2010 Wide Genre Movie :Comedy
Mpaa Rating : R
Actors :John C. Reilly,Jonah Hill,Marisa Tomei,Catherine Keener,Matt Walsh,Diane Mizota,Kathy Ann Wittes,Katie Aselton,Jamie Donnelly,Tom Guinee,Charlie Brewer,Steve Zissis,Newell Alexander,Steve Alterman,Mitch Carter,David Cowgill,Elisa Pensler Gabrielli,Bridget Hoffman,Edie Mirman,Michelle Ruff
Directed by mumblecore stalwarts Jay and Mark Duplass, Cyrus stars John C. Reilly as John, a middle-aged lonely divorced guy who, as the film opens, gets dragged to a party by his remarried ex-wife (Catherine Keener) -- who remains his best friend. After a few clumsy, drunken passes at a variety of women, John encounters Molly (Marisa Tomei), an attractive single-mom who finds John's social awkwardness appealing. They hit it off, and quickly begin a tender new relationship. Problems soon arise in the form of Cyrus (Jonah Hill), Molly's twentysomething son, who has an off-puttingly close relationship to his mom. Soon the jealous Cyrus sets about trying to break them up, and John must figure out how to deal with this unhinged and unexpected rival. ~ Perry Seibert, Rovi
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Simply by treating these characters as real, with all the uncertainty, emotional baggage and bad decisions that entails, the Duplasses expertly expose the hypocrisy of the airbrushed all-American ideal.Tom Huddleston-Time Out
The Duplass's 'Cyrus': Two Unhealthy Relationships Made Witty
Joe Baltake-Passionate Moviegoer
Even at its most troubling, Cyrus is powered by a deep vein of humanism, one that offers hope to even the weirdest among us.
Ann Hornaday-Washington Post
Cyrus is not the jokey, polished production you would expect from its Hollywood cast and LA setting, but audiences who are comfortable with discomfort should find it "funny."
Joe Williams-St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Cyrus sounds like the sort of comedy in which people end up dropping buckets of paint on each other's heads, but the Duplasses treat the characters and their dilemma with utmost seriousness, a technique that gives the movie its uncomfortably comic vibe.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald
Nobody can play beaten and amusing better than Reilly, and no one is better at playing broken, accessible beauty than Tomei.
Roger Moore-Orlando Sentinel
A man battles with his girlfriend's son in this realistic, understated comedy filled with the awkwardness of real life.
Sarah Sluis-Film Journal International
... A very fine comic-psychodrama that eschews prat falls and flippancy for a more intimately realist and considered rendering of manchild madness and its antecedents.
Ed Whitfield-The Ooh Tray
An amazing human drama played out by actors at the peak of their profession: and who could want more than that?
Mike Edwards-What Culture
The visual style transcends lyricism to achieve a kind of free-verse poetry, aided in large part by awe-inspiring mash-ups of montage and voice-overs
Matt Kelemen-Las Vegas CityLife
...a well-acted yet wholly uninvolving (and downright unconvincing) piece of work.
David Nusair-Reel Film Reviews
Cyrus will appeal to the same audiences that have admired the Mumblecore directors and their work, even though it's more polished.
James Plath-Movie Metropolis
...this muted farce benefits from the pitch-perfect performances of its cast.
Josh Larsen-LarsenOnFilm
... has the dubious distinction of being the first mumblecore comedy to come out of a major studio, complete with an A-list cast.
full review at Movies for the Masses
Joseph Proimakis-Movies for the Masses
A totally cringe-inducing movie. Stay away from it unless you enjoy gawking at severely damaged personalities.
The acting is superb by all three main characters, especially Jonah Hill, who is really the key character in this film.
Robert Roten-Laramie Movie Scope
Lacks energy and seems more creepy than funny.
Dennis Schwartz-Ozus' World Movie Reviews
Cred points are on offer from the film's observational/improvisational style that bros Duplass bring along with them, but they've neglected the most important part - making the film interesting.
Cast and crew seem committed to making a simple point: "unhealthily close" relationships can be enriching. And the result is a movie that feels both small and deep.
Charlotte O'Sullivan-This is London
Benefits from the cast teasing out the hurt and humanity from co-dependency's emotional battlefield.
-Daily Express
It's funny, but edgy, too: you feel as if something very bad could happen at any moment.
Marc Lee-Daily Telegraph
Rooting awkward chuckles in freaky family ties, the Duplasses then spin our sniggers by planting parallels between John and Cyrus. Just who's the biggest man-child?
Kevin Harley-Total Film
There are very few films, of whatever type, that actually surprise us, so when one does come along it's tempting to whoop.
Anthony Quinn-Independent
The Duplass brothers enter the mainstream with a touching, original and supremely funny film.
David Hughes-Empire Magazine
Instead of all-out family farce, this goes for naturalistic acting and wry observation, and doesn't quite give us enough of anything.
Steve Rose-Guardian [UK]
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